Springtime is the perfect time to take care of your lawn. If you neglect your yard during this time, you could deal with issues for the rest of the year. While spring lawn care is vital, it is not too difficult for you to handle. Here are some things that you will want to tackle in the springtime for a beautiful-looking yard that you can enjoy in the upcoming year.
Start Raking
Raking is not just for the fall season. You have to remember that leaves and thatch can build up throughout the winter. Raking can also help to remove those grass blades that died off in the cold weather. There is also something called “snow mold.” It can prevent your new grass from emerging from the ground. By raking the yard, you can eliminate matted grass patches and prepare the lawn for the upcoming growing season.
Look for Compaction Issues
For those lawns with high levels of traffic, you may notice that the grass is starting to wear down. In these cases, the lawn is suffering from compacted soil. Lawn aeration is a great way to stop soil compaction in your yard. You can rent a lawn aerator or hire a professional company, like Charlestown Landscaping, to help with these ground problems.
Think About Liming
While inspecting your lawn, you might notice some signs of acidity. If you have grass that needs a neutral pH, you should think about adding lime to your yard. The effects of liming can take a few months for you to see results. For that reason, you want to get an early start to the process.
Before you start liming, you need to determine the soil’s acidity. With this information, you will know how much lime you need per square inch of the lawn. If your lawn is not suffering from acidity, then you will not need to apply lime. Lime should only be used as a corrective measure and not a preventive one.
Overseeding Is Not a Bad Idea
For those lawns with dog potty spots or bare patches, you will need to apply grass seed to fill in these areas. One solution is known as “overseeding,” and it works best when you combine it with a slow-release fertilizer. Once the grass starts to germinate, you can add the fertilizer to the lawn. You will want to determine the grass species of your yard. Depending on whether it is a cool- or warm-season grass, springtime might not be the best time to overseed your lawn.
Get Out and Fertilize
Spring is the time to fertilize your lawn. For those who want to use organic materials, you can use compost or a mulching mower. If you’re going to add a chemical fertilizer to your yard, then there are plenty of options for you. Many lawn care experts recommend that you have a light feeding in the spring and a heavy one in the fall. If you add too much fertilizer in the spring, it can lead to weed problems and diseases.
Figure Out Your Weed Prevention Plan
Spring grass care is all about preventing weeds. Depending on the type of weeds, removal is handled in a variety of ways. It is more than pulling the plant out of your grass or flower bed. If the weed is annual or perennial, you may need a herbicide to fight them.
You may want to add pre-emergent herbicides to your annual weeds. These products will address the issues of weed control, and it will stop the seedlings before they have a chance to emerge in your yard. These herbicides will prohibit the seeds from germination. If you want to add herbicides to the lawn, you should never aerate your lawn. This process can puncture the layer of herbicide and allow the weeds to grow in your yard.
One old-fashioned way to remove weeds is by pulling them. These methods are effective for those perennial weeds, such as dandelions. Once you remove them from the grass, you should add a post-emergent herbicide to eliminate them from your yard. With these few steps, you can stop weeds before they become a significant issue for your lawn.
Tune-Up Your Lawn Mower
In addition to manual lawn care, you need to maintain the lawnmower. This piece of equipment is essential for any yard. You want to make sure your mower is in top shape so that you will not have any hassles in the summer. If your mower doesn’t start up or is difficult to push, you may need to tune it up for the upcoming season. By doing this now, you can ensure an easier process when you need to mow your lawn.
Purchase New Equipment
Your old lawn mower might need to be replaced. You can find great deals on equipment in the spring that will keep your lawn looking great throughout the year. In addition to a mower, you will want to check out your hoses, shovels, and other equipment to make sure they are ready for the late spring and summer season.
Review Your Lawn Care Strategies
Lawn care is not too difficult, but you want a plan for the upcoming season. During this time, you need to review the health of your grass, flower beds, and other spots in the yard. If there is a problem, you can quickly correct it in the spring before the summer season is in full swing. With the right measures in place, you can have a healthy and beautiful lawn throughout the year.
With these few tips, your lawn will stay lush and healthy. These simple acts will have long-reaching effects throughout the seasons. If you want to have an expert opinion for your lawn care, then you need to contact the team at Charlestown Landscaping. We can help you with all those lawn care maintenance needs without the hassles. Our professional team will create a customized lawn care plan for you.
If you want to schedule a consultation with our team, please take a few minutes to fill out the contact form.