We all know that water is essential for the health of your lawn. A little gentle rain helps revive your turf in times of drought or after the winter. However, when there is a substantial amount of water rushing throughout your yard, it leads to problems. A large amount of rain can damage or kill your grass. Here are a few things that you can do to prevent excess water from harming your lawn.
Too Much Rain Can Cause Problems
Water is vital for your lawn, but too much rain can create huge issues for your yard. There are some common problems that you might see in a flooded yard. One of the most common issues is fungal growth. If your yard receives too much water in the soil, it can stagnate your lawn’s roots. In turn, those roots will start to rot. The moist environment of the ground will also cause fungus to develop. You can see the result of fungal growth in parts of your yard. In the early stages, your lawn will produce yellowish patches of grass.
Nutrient loss is another problem that occurs with too much rain in your yard. When the water begins to oversaturate your soil and grass, all those essential nutrients will start to flush out of the soil. When the grass loses those nutrients, your yard will be left looking dull. If you need to boost your yard’s nutrients, fertilizers should be applied for a healthier lawn.
Along with water, your turf needs plenty of oxygen. With too much water in your soil, your grass will not have access to the air that helps produce a healthy lawn. Weeds also love to grow in wet conditions. Too much rain can drown and damage your existing grass. For those weeds, excess rain provides more nourishment. As a result, you will see them flourishing throughout your yard.
If you are worried about the effects of excess rain in your yard, there are a few precautions that you can take to keep up the health of your lawn.
Prevent Flooding in Your Yard
There are a couple of ways that you can prevent flooding in your yard. If you have current water buildup issues on the lawn, it is not too late to fix your space. For the best results, you want to stop the flooding before it affects your outdoor space. Prevention is the key to stopping these water issues. You can apply a few landscaping techniques to help your lawn survive those heavy rains and avoid flooding problems.
Flooding often occurs due to grading issues in your yard. For most homes, the soil slopes away from the house in all directions. These slopes ensure that the water moves away from your home as they provide sufficient drainage for your lawn. In some cases, the slopes will spill out into certain parts of your yard and cause those flooding problems. Before the rainy season, you should survey your yard and fill in those spaces that have eroded over the years.
Rain barrels can help you to control the water distribution in your yard. Most drainage problems are found near the base of a downspout. When you add a rain barrel, it will collect all that excess water and stop the overflow into your yard. You can save this rainwater and use it in other spaces throughout your yard.
Driveways are one of the most common areas where water can collect. When the rain runs off the driveway, it often pools into those grassy areas. If you are looking to stop flooding, you should think about adding a channel drain along the sides of your driveway. These channels will direct the rain into other areas of your property.
A French drain is another excellent way to stop those pools of water from forming in your yard. You can dig a trench in one area and direct the rain to other places. This project can be pretty labor-intensive. You may want to think about hiring a professional company to install these drains. A French drain is a perfect solution for those yards with several drainage trouble spots.
Finally, a backyard sump pump might be the best solution for your flooding problems. You would not use a sump pump for daily use, but it can help in emergencies. A backyard sump pump works great when used in conjunction with another drainage system, such as the French drain. With these two systems, you can have one drain to handle daily yard drainage as the other deals with those heavy rainfalls.
Dealing With Yard Flooding
If your yard is already flooded, you can do a few things to alleviate the damage. For those large puddles of water in your yard, you don’t have to worry. Your lawn can handle a week or less of water puddles. For the most part, the lawn will survive. Once the water has receded, you will want to rake the turf to remove any excess silt. At this point, it is important to add fertilizer to the lawn.
After flooding, you should monitor your yard for about a month. If there are no signs of damage, you can go ahead with your daily lawn care routine. For those lawns with extreme damage, it might be time to replace your grass. At this stage, you will need to call in the experts and get professional help for your yard.
We Can Help With Lawn Care Issues
At Charlestown Landscaping, our team knows how to improve the health of your yard. We understand that water is important for your lawn, but too much rain can cause problems for your space. If you are experiencing flooding issues after a rainfall, we can develop the right solutions to resolve these issues. In addition to assisting with these problems, we offer lawn care, snow removal, and landscaping services. Charlestown Landscaping is ready to help with all your outdoor needs. Make sure to fill out the contact form to schedule a consultation for your home or business.