Common Lawn Weeds And How To Get Rid Of Them

Common Lawn Weeds And How To Get Rid Of Them

You want your home’s lawn to look lush and green. However, weeds can easily take up space in your yard. Once you have spotted one, there are bound to be more in the area. Weeds love to multiply until they have created an enormous problem. Lucky for you, there are ways to rid those weeds and boost the health of your lawn.

Rid Yourself of Common Lawn Weeds

Getting rid of weeds might seem like a difficult task, but there are a few things that you can do to keep your yard looking healthy and weed-free. You must consider the fact that weeds are like a plant. By giving them a favorable environment to grow, they can become rampant throughout your yard.

You want to make the environment difficult for them to thrive. Compacted soil, water-deprived turf, and low-trimmed lawns are heaven for those pesky weeds. By practicing healthy lawn management, you can say goodbye to weeds.

Common Types of Weeds

Any lawn can come under attack from weeds, including well-tended ones. The wind can carry their seeds and land them into your yard. When you start to see weeds, you need to act quickly. Before you start pulling weeds or spraying chemicals, you should know about the different types of weeds. Unfortunately, there isn’t just one type of weed, and you need to know how to combat a weed invasion.


Dandelions might look pretty and colorful, but they are one of the most frustrating weeds to remove. Their yellow flowers will eventually mature to white puffballs. While children love to blow on the flowering weed, a single plant can release over 15,000 seeds. These weeds also are adaptable to any environment, and they will grow in shade or sun. If you already have dandelions in your yard, you need to pull them out by hand. By growing a dense lawn of grass, you can prevent these weeds from coming back. A thick lawn doesn’t give the dandelions room to grow, and it is one of the best defenses to avoid seeing these yellow weeds in the yard.


With its white petals, bindweed is another pretty-looking plant. However, it can quickly take over your yard and flowerbeds. This weed will snake its way throughout your yard. In the process, it chokes off nutrients from reaching your flowers and plants. If you see small flowers on a green mat, you might have an infestation. These nuisance plants love the moist ground. You will want to make sure the soil is not overwatered. If you’re going to get rid of them permanently, make sure to pull the new plants as soon as they appear in your yard.


Thistle not only hurts your lawn, but it can be painful for you to remove. Its spiky leaves are sharp, and you should be careful when pulling out the plant. These weeds can pop up in the bare patches throughout your yard. Your best bet is to pull them out with a weed puller. You can also apply a broadleaf herbicide. Thistle is an annual species, and it can be a viable plant for many years. With its extensive root system, you will want to keep checking your yard to make sure all the plants have been removed.


Crabgrass is another weed that can show up in your lawn. It is also a productive grower, and a single plant contains around 150,000 seeds. If you want to get rid of this weed, you will need to take special care of your lawn. With too much fertilizer, it is creating a ripe environment for crabgrass to grow. You always want to follow the correct application rates on the bag. Watering issues can also cause crabgrass to flourish in your yard. You need to water your lawn deeply and infrequently. If you are one of those homeowners that let the sprinklers run every day, you may have to stop. That surface moisture is enough to create a nurturing environment for crabgrass. You should really give the lawn a good soak once a week. By doing that, you can prevent crabgrass from taking root.


Nutsedge is also known as nutgrass. It can be hard to identify because it looks like grass. However, the leaves are stiffer and thicker than most grass varieties. You can also tell the difference because this weed produces purple or yellow flowers. If you are looking to eliminate nutsedge, you must remove the nutlets from the ground. These tubular roots grow underground and must be removed entirely.

Weed Management

Even if you don’t spot weeds in your yard, it is never a bad time to be proactive with your lawn. You can get a head start with your lawn care before the weeds have a chance to take root and grow. With a few simple steps, you can keep those weeds out of your lawn.

Mowing is essential, and you need to cut the grass in the right way. You should mow regularly and at the correct height. Weeds are competing with your lawn for water and nutrients. By mowing on a regular schedule, you can keep those weeds at bay. You also need the proper amount of water and fertilizer. Many common weeds spread due to the poor health of the lawn. A thirsty lawn can be a breeding ground for unwelcome plants.

If you see a few weeds, you shouldn’t reach for the herbicide. You might be able to get away with pulling them out of your yard. In some cases, it is just a rogue plant that made its way into your yard. For those using herbicide, you never want to soak the yard with these chemicals. You should always consult the instructions to make sure that you use the correct amounts for your lawn.

Weed control can be a difficult job. You don’t have to control them on your own. Charlestown Landscaping can help you get rid of those weeds in your yard and restore the healthy appearance of your grass.

If you want to know more about our lawn care service, make sure to fill out the contact form.

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